Whether you need a more reliable way to generate income for retirement now, or you want to help ensure your investments are generating as much interest and dividends as possible without having it taken away by unexpected circumstances, our complimentary Retirement Income Kit is for you.

Fill in the form to claim your FREE Retirement Income Kit today!
Most Americans have $150k saved for Retirement. Would you say you are...(Required)

Fill in the form to claim your FREE Retirement Income Kit today which includes a no-obligation, complimentary consultation with Retirement Income Specialist, Sam McElroy

Our Mission

At STRIDE Financial, we specialize in teaching clients how the world of income-generating investment instruments and strategies can be used to help retirees meet their current financial needs, achieve their long-term financial goals, and help avoid common retirement-planning mistakes, with a goal to enjoy a lifetime of greater financial stability.

STRIDE Financial has differentiated itself from the competition in numerous ways. By taking into account “worst-case scenarios” and having a more conservative approach to planning, we have been truly blessed to help hundreds of seniors in the Chicago area reach their goals without changing their lifestyles. Our team of financial advisors and wealth managers are experienced in helping clients preserve their savings, so they can use it as a source of steady income in retirement.

Seven must-read retirement reports:

“10 Signs You’re Working with a True Retirement Income Specialist”
”The Case for Fixed Income – How to Help Avoid the Most Common Mistakes that Could Derail your Retirement”
“The Essentials of What you Need to Know About Retirement Income”
“7 Risks to Your Retirement and What You Can Do to Help Avoid Them”
“Investing For Income in the Stock Market”
“Estate Planning – Are you making mistakes that could jeopardize your retirement?”
“Why Investing in Mutual Funds Could Jeopardize Your Retirement” 

This Kit is invaluable for those who are:

  • Retired, approaching retirement, or ready to get an early start
  • Worried they might outlive their retirement savings
  • Not sure if their investments are helping to minimize or even eliminate stock market risk and uncertainty
  • Interested in taking a “Bird in the Hand” approach to investing that can provide steady streams of interest and dividends for retirement, even if you don’t need the income now

The secret to a financially more stress-free retirement is to try to preserve what you’ve worked so hard for and use it to provide a steady stream of income you can depend on.

Fill in the form to claim your FREE Retirement Income Kit today!

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STRIDE Financial is a full service financial services brokerage specializing in comprehensive, holistic financial planning, and offers a complete line of financial services and products for families and businesses – including retirement planning, college planning, estate planning, business planning, life insurance; annuities; health insurance; property and casualty insurance; long term care insurance; disability insurance; and investment advisory services. This presentation is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a solicitation, offering, or recommendation of any security. Although this presentation may include investment-related information or opinions from its presenters, you should not consider anything you find in this presentation to be a recommendation that you buy, sell, hold or otherwise invest in an individual security, or any other investment or asset. This presentation does not intend to provide investment, tax, or legal advice. Investment Advisory services are offered by STRIDE Investments, LLC. Additionally, STRIDE Investments does not represent that any securities, products or services discussed in this presentation are suitable or appropriate for all investors.